Residential Plans

Find the Right Fit for Your Home

Everyone deserves access to the unmatched speed of fiber to improve your home. That’s why our plans are separated into contract terms rather than download speeds and data caps. No matter which plan you choose, you’ll get access to the same unlimited-data fiber-optic network. We promise.

Please note a standard $250.00 installation fee, or $35.00 activation fee may apply.

Speed test results may vary and depends upon various factors, including the website used for the speed test, number of devices connected to your network, medium(Wifi) to conduct speed test, peak hours, number of applications that consume internet data running on a computer, virus on the computer etc.

Here at Tether we know this can sometimes be an overwhelming decision. Our team is here to walk you through which option will suit your lifestyle the best. Give us a call today!

1 844-905-0699

[email protected]

Unlimited Streaming

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Plans As Low As $59.99 / Month View Plans


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